“Victory is not the Property Of brilliant, it is the crown for Those who persue hardwork with confidence And have total devotion to their goal”.
I extend to you a hearty welcome to the ever-increasing family of D.A.V. Institutions started in1886. It is a matter of great joy to all of us that the seed of educational plant sown by Pt. Tulsi Ram Ji in 1992 has grown up into a fruitful tree. Now a day T.R. D.A.V. School Kangoo is shining like a pole star in the locality. Our day Starts with “ Gayatri Mantra” and ends With “Shanti Patha”
Education is a tri- polar process and aim of education can only be achieved by the deliberate and conscious efforts of students, genius guidance of teachers and kind co-operation of parents. The present age is the age of cutthroat competition where only the best triumphs in the end. This competition starts from the very early schooling of the child. In order to make a mark both the parent and students are in search of such school, which could help them in attaining their aim of education/life, and T.R. D.A.V. Kangoo is such a pious institute in the locality, which is always making best possible efforts to impart quality education for the all around development of the child. Our motto is not only to educate the child but also to inculcate moral and social values, discipline and feeling of service to mankind. Your success has always inspired, guided and motivated us, as it will continue propelling us forward in the years to come.
With best wishes.